March 23

The ‘secret’ to good skin is that there is no secret….

March 23, 2021


The secret to good skin is that there is no secret.  It’s about getting to know your skin and giving it what it needs.

Here are three things about skincare that I wish I had discovered a hell of a lot sooner!

It would have saved me a lot of effort, a fair bit of money, and endless hours of feeling cr*p about my skin… 

✨ 1. Stop Overdoing It 

I know, I know. I get it. Since we were young we’ve been told to cleanse, tone, moisturise…

The beauty giants say we must live a life of endless lotions, potions, peels, and chemicals. 

Here’s the thing…. 

Our skin has a happy and healthy pH level that’s on the acidic side. 

Washing too much, especially with cleansers rammed with all sorts of crazy chemicals, throws this balance all out of whack. 

Meaning our skin isn’t working as it should. And this leaves us with dry, dehydrated skin which ages quicker!

Tip #1: Relax your routine. Wash your face less. Let your face get to its happy place for well hydrated, radiant skin. 

2.  Lose The Tingle 

My goddaughter recently told me she loves a certain scrub because it makes her face “tingly and tight” 😳 😳 😳

Tight skin after a face wash or treatment doesn’t mean it is clean. It means it is suffering. 

For years the beauty giants have told us oil is bad and we need bucket loads of foamy skin-stripping sulphates (aka dishwasher tablets) to cleanse our skin. 

…. Yet the truth is our skin needs oil to be healthy! 

The all-important top layers of our skin are oily. 

And if that proactive barrier is worn away by nasty sulphates our skin gets too dry which can cause breakouts, fine lines, and a whole host of skin complaints. 

Tip #2: Lose the sulphates. Replenish skin with a pure & natural face oil that leaves skin deeply nourished, hydrated and healthy. 

✨ 3. Expensive Doesn’t Mean Better 

When my son was about 3 months old, I purchased a £100 (!) tiny pot of La Mer. 

And it sucked. 

In a sleep-deprived state, I fell for the marketing and later found it had mineral oil in it.

It’s easy to forget that skin is alive and the biggest organ of our body. 

What we put on our skin will be absorbed through your epidermis (the layers of skin cells)…. both the good and the bad. 

Now, I chose quality, natural ingredients because it leaves health in no doubt. 

Tip #3: Choose skincare like food. Whatever is right for you, focus on what is INSIDE your products for happier, healthier, more radiant skin.

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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