July 19

Reformed ‘beauty junkie’ goes skin minimal

July 19, 2021


‘Skin minimal’ is the new kid on the block when it comes to skincare…. and not only is this better for your wallet and the planet, it’s a whole lot better for our skin!  

As a reformed ‘beauty junkie’ I’m a tried and tested fan of minimal skin. 

See, my skin was all over the place a year after having my son and I ended up visiting a dermatologist to get to the bottom of why.   

The dermatologist blamed stubborn spots on my excessive product use and recommended a stripped-back skincare regime. Six months later my skin was completely clear. 

Here’s what I learned on the skin minimal road… 

🌴 Go for multitaskers 

K-Beauty made the 10-step skincare a thing, and who heck has the time or money for that! Too many steps and products are overwhelming for skin. 

Instead choose products that are multi-taskers rather than lots of products layered on top of each other, like a natural oil-based cleanser and a gentle daily exfoliator.

🌴 Turn down influencers 

Let’s be real, most influencers are in it for the ‘promo’ pounds and as a result many of us have OTT skin routines that are doing more harm than good. 

Strip it back and follow one dermatologist that fits with your ethos.  

🌴 Exfoliate regularly, but gently

The trend for aggressive exfoliation is hurting skin, and many of us have used too many peels or have over-done harsh scrubs that leave skin overexposed. 

Go for natural, regular exfoliation to buff away bull dead skin cells leaving you with healthy, radiant, glowing skin. 

Here’s my  stripped back skincare routine


  • Natural cleanse that doubles as a gentle exfoliation (no nasty foam!) 
  • Moisturise with a cream that contains SPF


  • If makeup has been worn = double cleanse. No make up = one cleanse. 
  • First cleanse: using a natural cleanser that gently removes makeup 
  • Second cleanse: naturally nourish skin to increases cell turnover and plump skin 
  • Feed skin with a 100% natural face oil that leaves skin renewed without heaviness

Whatever routine works for you, lose the nasties! The truth is a lot of the ingredients of most of my old skincare products were scary – microplastics, petroleum byproducts, sulphates and parabens were rift. 

Focus on natural goodness to bring back the skin’s happy balance.  

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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