June 8

Losing those pesky skin bumps from arms & thighs

June 8, 2021


My ‘bumpy’ arms are on show….whatever you call them, we’re talking those pesky little red, brown or white bumps, which look like goosebumps or plucked chicken skin. 

Why it happens 🌴 

These bumps are called keratosis pilaris and they happen when too much keratin builds up in our pores and the hair follicle becomes blocked.

 If you have dry skin, you’re more likely to have keratosis pilaris.

The good news is that it is harmless and you don’t need to treat it. Yet if the bumps bother you, there are a few things you can do…

Lose the triggers 🌴

Certain things will irritate keratosis pilaris making it look and feel worse. 

In the shower, be kind to your skin by keeping the temperature lukewarm. And lose the perfumed, chemical-filled body products, they’ll only be making it worse. 

Exfoliate 🌴

Exfoliate. Gently. This is the secret to help soften the skin and loosen up the pores. 

Go for natural, regular exfoliation to buff away dead skin cells. Go in gentle circular motions. Scrubbing hard will only add to the irritated appearance of the skin. 

Oil and water 🌴

Dry skin and keratosis pilaris go hand in hand. Dry skin needs oil to help balance skin’s sebum production, and help your skin’s own oil flow more freely. 

Lose the water-based moisturizers that can dry skin further and go for 100% natural oil-based moisturiser bar after every shower or bath. 

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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