April 8

Learning To Love The Reflection In The Mirror

April 8, 2021


During a walk with a friend, she confessed to dreading going ‘out’ over the next few weeks. 

The reason for the dread? “I look bad.” 

Now, in this situation, you can tell someone how wonderful they are (she is and I did) yet my experience – this is futile.  

See, when I was younger, I was never a fan of the reflection in my mirror. 

I always wanted to be someone else, like those people who were on TV or in magazines with perfectly styled hair and makeup that didn’t get sweaty after they ran for the bus… 

But you know what?

Hating myself got me nowhere. 

The more time I spent hating every ‘flaw’ the worse I felt. 

It was only as I got older that I found ways to love the reflection in the mirror….

💜  Embracing Uniqueness 

A palm tree and a willow tree are very different and very beautiful. 

Yet when it comes to women and the way we look we’re all encouraged to look very ‘the same’ despite being unique people. 

Once I stopped wanting to be 6 ft tall and embraced my 5ft self, life became a little easier. 

Every scar, wrinkle, grey hair simply adds to YOUR beauty. 

💜  Being Grateful

When I was younger one of my friends was killed. 

Her life was taken with no chance to worry about going up a dress size, going grey or thinking about wrinkles. 

Now, most of the time, I’m grateful to be here.

You have lived. You are alive! And you are lucky. 

💜  Looking After Yourself 

It is strange to think the longest relationship you have in this life is with yourself, isn’t it?

Yet most of the time we put ourselves and our needs at the bottom of the pile.

When you take care of yourself, it’s a great reminder that you are important. 

At some point, you’ve got to decide if you want to be on your team. 

And if you’re not on your team, who else will be? 

Embrace yourself.  Look after yourself. Nourish your skin, your hair and your soul.

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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