July 26

Is Your Scalp Healthy? (And If Not, How Can You Fix It?)

July 26, 2021


We spend months of our life washing, styling, and caring for our hair – but how much attention do we give our scalps? 

Not much and, yet when you think about it, a healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy strong and shiny hair! 

❌ Warning signs of an unhealthy scalp❌


Itchiness can indicate a few different scalp issues, such as general dryness,  triggered by things like cold, dry air and over-washing… to an irritated scalp caused by products and build up from styling products. 

Dry scalp vs dandruff 

Shoulders sporting a heavy dusting of flakes? It can be embarrassing for many of us. A dry scalp can result in a few flakes, while lots of flakes are usually dandruff.

In a dry scalp, the skin gets irritated and flakes off. With dandruff, the cause is too much oil on the scalp. That excess oil causes skin cells to build up and then shed.  

The good news is that in most cases a healthy scalp is an easy fix…

Fix scalp health 

The scalp is skin, and like the rest of our bodies, a healthy scalp starts within! Eat well, sleep well, hydrate well then look at… 

Going sulphate-free 

Most high street shampoos sacrifice scalp health for that false squeaky-clean sensation. 

These traditional shampoos use a group of drying detergents called sulphate (aka dishwasher tablets) to clean hair.  Trouble is these harsh products strip everything from our scalp, leaving it exposed, flakey and unhappy.

To keep your scalp healthy and banish flakes then say goodbye to sulphates and other nasties and enjoy a flake-free scalp!

Skip the hot shower 

Hot water makes scalp skin dry as it strips away protective oils.  Make friends (or tolerate) a lukewarm shower for a healthier scalp without flakes. 

Natural balance scrub 

A massaging scrub with natural hair oil is the perfect way to ‘feed’ irritated scalps and dandruff-prone skin. 

A DIY scalp scrub made with a natural nourishing oil revives a flaky scalp and removes product build, boosts circulation, and nourishes the scalp.

  • Mix one tablespoon of brown sugar and one tablespoon of natural hair oil that nourishes the scalp
  • Wet hair and massage mix into the scalp gently and wait for 5 minutes 
  • Rinse well then cleanse hair as normal

A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy hair. Love and cherish it! 

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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