May 4

Can you repair broken hair?

May 4, 2021


The other day I had an email from a lovely customer asking, “How can I repair broken hair?” 

And after the stress and strain of the past year, who could blame us for not having hair in tip-top condition! 

So here’s the geeky bit….

Our hair is made of three main components – protein, oil and water. There is no magical fix for split ends but luckily that doesn’t mean they are stuck with them forever as snipping will do the trick. 

The good news is, we can nurse dry, damaged, unhealthy tresses back to health with these easy go-to tips… 

Avoid brushing wet hair ✨

Put less strain on your strands when they’re at their most fragile, resist going at wet hair with a regular brush! 

Instead, gently detangle and smooth damp locks with a wide-toothed comb that won’t cause unnecessary breakage. 

Mix up it up ✨

If you’re a fan of the ponytail or top knot, take note – wearing your hair in the same style day after day can lead to breakage and potentially traction hair loss!  

Mix up your ‘do’ and go with something more gentle like an old school scrunchie to take extra care of hair. 

Night nourish ✨

If you have super-fried, parched and unruly hair try leaving your hair oil on overnight for extra-intensive repair. 

Apply Goddess Liquid Gold then wrap up your head so that sheets stay clean as you sleep. Rinse out in the morning and double wash and embrace the softest and shine! 

Give hair a holiday ✨

Tired, stressed, over-handled tresses often need a little holiday from damaging heat styling. 

Down tools for a while and lean into a more natural vibe. Your hair will thank you!

Lose the drying chemicals ✨

Most high street shampoos sacrifice hair health for that false squeaky-clean sensation. This is thanks to those nasty drying sulphates aka dishwasher tablets. These nasties strip the hair of those all-important natural oils that are needed for hair health. 

To keep hair healthy, hydrated and happy say goodbye to sulphates and other nasties and see the health shine and texture of your hair soar.

The easiest way to combat dry, damaged, dull hair is to replace what hair has lost… 

And hair is made of oil. Without oil hair snaps, frizzes and breaks… oil keeps hair flexible, strong, shiny and healthy. 

Natural hair oil is the secret weapon for shine, strength and softness while smoothing split ends and preventing breakage. 

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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