Posted On : February 5, 2021

Hello!  It’s true, not only do some natural wonders revitalise skin and hair, their fragrance can help your mind too!  See, smell (more than any other sense) is connected to our emotions. And frankly, after the past year, I’ll take any help I can get in that department! 💗 Here are my top three natural ingredients to… Revitalise Skin, Revive Hair, Restore Mind AND Smell Like ... Read More

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Posted On : January 28, 2021

Here are a few tweaks that will get skin glowing even in the middle of winter! 🌿  1. Go Gentle  Colder weather is the time to go gentle with your skin routine. This tweak helps to stop that yuck ‘tight’ feeling you can get.  Many high-street cleansers strip our skin of its natural defences leaving it tight, dull and unhealthy.  Switching to natural oil-based cleansers that ... Read More

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Posted On : January 21, 2021

Hello!  Here are three no-cost / low-cost skincare tips. For skin that looks and feels happy and healthy without spending a penny…..  ❤️  1. Eat Yum Foods That Help Skin  It’s true! A lot of food that is good for your skin is delicious….  Sweet potatoes (hello carbs, I love you) are packed with beta carotene and vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and an important component of ... Read More

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Posted On : January 8, 2021

Hello!  It’s lockdown.  It’s home school.  It’s almost a year of living in the pandemic-that-shall-not-be-named. For many of us, life is hard work right now.  So is Veganuary do-able in this insane year?  My view?  Take it easy.  Don’t strive to be ‘perfect.’  Strive to take a positive step forward.  Whether that change is something as small as swapping to oat milk in your coffee or ... Read More

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Posted On : January 5, 2021

Hello!  Here are three easy to follow rules for hair health in 2021, Say hello to more shine, more strength, and more volume …  💗 1. It Starts With Shampoo Traditional shampoo is hard on hair as it’s full of all sorts of crazy chemicals. The main culprit is sulphates.  Sulphates are harsh chemicals used in things like dishwasher tablets, detergents and floor cleaners. They strip ... Read More

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Posted On : December 17, 2020

Hello!  Bars are brill. Better for your hair, better for health, better for your wallet, and better for the planet to boot.. …Yet after a lifetime of ‘wash and go’ liquid shampoo, getting used to a shampoo bar takes a bit of time.   Here are some easy quick tips to get your bar game on… Super Wet Hair – A shampoo bar needs properly wet ... Read More

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