July 23

3 Ways to Repurpose Products You Don’t Use

July 23, 2021


 What do you do with old products or products you didn’t like? 

Here are three ways to repurpose products you don’t use. 

1. Face = Body

The easiest purpose is turning face products into body ones, as typically skin on our body is much less sensitive than the skin on your face.

You can easily turn a moisturiser you didn’t bond with into a hand and cuticle cream. And you can use a face oil or serum as a deep moisturiser for dry knees, feet, shins or elbows

2. Hair = Cleaner

Shampoo is twice as effective on dirt as regular dish soap or clothes wash and it is much gentler on skin which makes it the perfect makeup brush & hairbrush cleaner.

Remove excess hair and residue from brushes then leave them to soak in a bowl of warm water and shampoo for 10-15 minutes then rinse and leave them to air dry. 

3. Perfume = Freshener 

Too many perfumes, too little time? Many of us are guilty of having a cupboard full. 

The good news is there are LOADS of uses for perfume! Room diffuser (soaked makeup pad behind radiator), linen drawer scent, trainer de-stinker (combined with baking soda)… the list is endless. 

Still Sealed? If yes, you can often donate to your local domestic abuse/ homeless shelter. And if it’s opened you can always pass it on to a friend who might like it. 

Who doesn’t love a surprise gift on a random Tuesday?!

Love 💗

Emma x


Emma x

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